Leroy & Lucas Growth Track


Friday, September 26, 2008

Gearing up for Formula One

Leroy getting ready for F1

Lucas all set to GO!

Okie folks, we know that the "IN" thing now is the Formula One event taking place this weekend. We have been secretly working on this as well to get gear up and prepared for the big day. Our Business Manager (Mummy) have already shipped in our race car and we have been having our practice sessions to ensure we are both in tip top condition!!!

Check out our vehicle named the Safety 1st Jitter Buggy, it bounces, it sounds, it beeps, it sings BUT....it does not 'move'....Sigh...So sad!!!

We wasn't very happy with this Mummy.... The joke of the day was Grandma ask Mummy if we put in a 20 cents coin, can it move????

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