Leroy & Lucas Growth Track


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Caught "Red Footed"!!!!

Lately both Leroy & Lucas has been displaying some new skills set. Looks like the trend of sucking their fingers has gone off abit and the new "IN" trend is taking in the "feet"..Oops.... Mummy wasn't really thrill about it especially now that they are pretty much on their feet when they are in the respective walkers. Hmm....

Leroy & His Happy Feet

Leroy pretending his kinda of stretching acts

Okie, those feet looks flexible enough!

Nothing to hide, JUST DO IT!



Lucas and his "acts"

Lucas trying to be a "nice" boy boy when he realised Mummy is secretly taking shots of him.

Okie, trying to distract Mummy's attention while he can go into "ACTION"

It's time to get those "Happy Feet" working!


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