Finally we reached out 7th month old milestone. We have come a long way if you could see how much we have change from our earlier baby pictures to now ..handsome right? Of course by now, we are starting to communicate more with the adults (making more loud and clear"noises" we mean) and we are definitely more interactive in every sense (okie, "playful" you may call, we will try our means to grab hold of every single thing we can reach, oops Lucas just threw Mummy handphone on the floor...@#%*)
We do enjoy each other company nowadays except when we are sleeping, we really hate to be disturb by each other cries...
Well taking care of us has not gone by any much easier for both Grandma & Mummy... Since now we play harder more than we could sleep so can you imagine our dear caregivers dark eye rings is constantly lingering on their face...heeehe!! Poor mummy was so tired taking care of us that one night she was so tired that she walk right into the wall (*BANG*)while trying to prepare our night feeds. *oopss...sorry mummy*
Now we are on the go to our 8th Month old and hopefully by then we could both sit on our own without the adults assistance as well as looks like Leroy might just start to crawl soon as lately he has been practising his "push up" skills hmmm.....
Keep coming back to see our updates okie!
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